
New games for May 17, 2019 - Tearea: Assemble!

Jason Tagmire

It's NEW GAME FRIDAY! And another one where it was DIFFICULT to make a title with these three games. But don't let my poor title skills bog you down. Onto the games!

This week we have 3 new games:

  • Area Z
  • Assembly
  • Skytear

Area Z by Gabe Barrett is zombie area control game in 9 cards. Assembly by Janice and Stu Turner ramps it up a notch in size with a 2 player game about building a space ship and getting out before it's too late. Then comes Skytear by PVP Geeks with it's massive 50 pages of high quality cards replicating a MOBA video game experience with cards and tokens.

This weeks new games are all available here:


The Game of the Week is The Final Flicktier by Gabe Barrett, designer of this week's new game, Area Z!

The Final Flicktier is a 4X style space game with dice flicking at its core. Players will take on the role of unique factions all vying for control of the galaxy. They’ll flick their spaceships (dice) around the board in order to explore new planets, build structures, harvest resources, and attack other factions. The player with the most victory points at the end wins.
Check out The Final Flicktier here:

Thanks everyone! See you next week!

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