It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:
- Iron Helm: Adventure Pack 6 - Malicia’s Refuge
- Quests over Coffee: Anniversary Expansion
- Dungeon Pages: Finley, Impulsive Cavalier
Iron Helm: Adventure Pack 6 - Malicia’s Refuge
There was no doubt where Malicia’s lair was once your eyes took sight of the entrance. Now you must find the courage to enter!
Another fun adventure for Iron Helm, this one to be played as the third in a series of games so that your character has enough experience from their initial delvings. In this scenario, you might find blessings to be a bit of a curse, as the Tainted Priests damage you based on how many of those tokens you have in your possession. However, you’ll also have a lot of chances to spend those tokens along the way to trigger item effects, avoid encounters, and more. Waiting at the end is Malicia, who damages you based on the morality track…something you’ll want to keep a close eye upon as you’re drawing closer to the boss encounter. If you love Iron Helm, you won’t want to miss your chance to grab this adventure pack.
Quests over Coffee: Anniversary Expansion
Can you believe it? Quests Over Coffee came out one year ago! I released it as a little thing for my birthday and it has found such a wonderful player base that it has exceeded all expectations. To celebrate the one-year anniversary, I decided to release an expansion of 9 new cards! Thank you so much for playing.
What a treat being delivered to players! Not only should you help celebrate the anniversary of Quests Over Coffee by playing it, but this expansion delivers some really player-friendly cards to run across that could help buoy some of your luck as you venture through your plays for many years to come. I particularly like the nod to print-and-play sheets on this and the delightful humor in the flavor text for that card. As usual, I’ll give full support behind this game: if you haven’t tried Quests Over Coffee yet, this is a really fun, fast game that’s easy to pull out and play, and is being supported quite regularly with small expansion packs. Definitely check this one out!
Dungeon Pages: Finley, Impulsive Cavalier
Finley has raced through most obstacles in life, so their Elder training should be no different! Whether on the back of Fillan or standing before the enemy, Finley is always ready for the next fight.
There’s so much to love about this week’s installment for Dungeon Pages. The hero, Finley, has a Reckless ability that will help you mark a lot of squares in one go…but there’s a potential downside there, too, and it triggers based on Evil Dice. The cool aspect, once again, comes on the dungeon itself: there’s a timer! Once you reach the Clock Tower, you have at most 12 turns to finish the boss off before you lose. Of course, there’s ways to shorten that time so you’ll feel the pressure of impending doom weighing down upon you as your time ticks away.

Game of the Week: Dungeon Pages on sale for just $18!
Greetings young page, welcome to your first quest. We are thrilled to have someone of your prowess joining the Elder ranks. The Light knows, we need all the help we can get against these creatures of darkness.
Explore a series of dungeons using the numerical values from dice rolls as you progress to gather treasure, defeat monsters, disarm traps, and gain experience. Complete enough dungeons and you’ll get to face down the boss dungeon. If you like thinky, tactical decisions on how to best utilize dice rolls, you won’t want to pass up the chance to explore through Dungeon Pages. This little game is bound to offer plenty of replay value, as you can not only choose how much of each dungeon to explore but also how to manage what the dice are giving you and whether it is better to try for the extra XP boost or to delve deeper within a single dungeon for more rewards.
Check out Games of the Week here:
See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!