
New games for January 25, 2019 - The Minty Mephisto Show!

Jason Tagmire

It's NEW GAME FRIDAY! Hope all is well in the land of print and play. :) We put out a call for some new publishers last week and received some responses that are in the works. Thanks to everyone that is spreading the word. We're going to keep it up as these weeks fly by. In the meantime, we have 5 new games this week! Legends of Dsyx: Derelict Dirigibles Mephisto Mint Julep Mint Juelp: Win Place Show Pont D'Avignon The new games are all available here: And scroll down for some more info on Mephisto as it's on...

New games for January 18, 2019 - The Liberation of the Mayhem Sons!

Jason Tagmire

It's NEW GAME FRIDAY! Hey there fellow PNPers, it's time to announce a few new games for this week. Ahead In The Clouds: Stormfront Solo Expansion Legends of Dsyx: Liberation Runes of Mayhem Six Sons of the Sultan The new games are all available here: And we have a new publisher to announce! We would like to welcome Marzo Projects to PNP Arcade! The Final Flicktier is a 4X style space game with dice flicking at its core. Players will take on the role of unique factions all vying for control of the galaxy. They’ll flick their spaceships (dice) around the...

New Games For January 11 2019 - The Magic Death Flick

Jason Tagmire

It's NEW GAME FRIDAY! Hello everyone and we hope all is well in the board game crafting community. We have all kinds of new stuff for you this week. New games, new publishers and a new feature. Lets jump in! Animal Kingdoms (Kickstarter Preview - more about this below) Anthelion: Conclave of Power (Kickstarter Preview) Arcane Bakery Clash: Mystery Ingredients Legends of Dsyx: Fairy Fair Micro Drift Smoke & Mirrors Someone Has Died The Final Flicktier The new games are all available here: And within this mix is two new publishers! We'd like to welcome Barrett Publishing and Gather...

New Games For January 04 2019 - Gryphons Build Super Tall Tents!

Jason Tagmire

It's NEW GAME FRIDAY! Tagmire here - and back from the dead (well, the flu). Happy to be upright, and happy to be sharing a few new games for the week. The holidays really put a slowdown on communication, so it's another Button Shy heavy week. FYI - we have enough Button Shy titles to keep us going through many of these holiday weeks! :) We have 4 new games to share with you. Ahead In The Clouds: Tents Trackers and Contracts Legends of Dsyx: Gryphon Delivery Service Semifinal Fantasy Supertall The new games are all available here: And...

New Games For December 28 2018 - Scraping together an Arcane Stew

Jason Greeno

NEW GAME FRIDAY is here!  Jason and I hope you're having great holidays and excellent gaming. It's a bit of a light week over here at PNP Arcade with family-time and travel eating into development. 2019 is right around the corner though, and the arcade is only going to get bigger and better! Check out the new games here: If you've had as many holiday cookies as I have you may be ready to play the new game of the week... Arcane Bakery Clash is a resource management game, where your resource is time. Specifically, time to cook the magical treats that...

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