
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas

Daily Magic Games

Regular price $10.00
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas
Valeria Card Kingdoms: Crimson Seas

The borders of Valeria expand to the Ocean of Nae where monsters and islands await. The rich country of Araby offers rare goods to import. Nae Aerie, a secretive island of magicians, have reached out to offer their powerful tomes. Exekratys, the cursed island, has awoken after centuries of slumber and threatens to take Valeria’s resources. Amarynth has broken its treaty and has kidnapped several of Valeria’s nobles. To prove you are the rightful new King or Queen of Valeria, you must hire citizens who are at home on the high seas, collect maps, and sail to the islands in hopes of bringing peace once more to the Kingdom of Valeria.

Note: Valeria: Card Kingdoms is needed to play this expansion.

Valeria: Card Kingdoms is a tableau-building game for 1-5 players and will feel familiar to deck-building fans. The cards you buy can work for you on your turn and on all the other player turns, as well. On your turn, roll two dice and activate citizen cards with the result of each individual die and the sum of both dice. Other players will simultaneously activate their citizen cards based on the roll. Next, take two actions from the following: slay a monster, recruit a citizen, buy a domain, or take 1 of any resource. The player with the most victory points at the end wins the game.

The latest expansion - Darksworn is live on Kickstarter now!



  • Players: 1-5
  • Ages: 14+
  • Length: 20-45 minutes  


  • Publisher: Daily Magic Games
  • Designer: Isaias Vallejo
  • Art: Mihajlo Dimitrievski


  • Page count: 50
  • Components: Cards, Tokens, Rules
  • Additional components needed: two six-sided dice

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