There is a river of four 2-sided cards that gets “randomly” laid. By random, they may be rotated and shuffled, but laid in such a way that they create a horizontal line between players. Play starts and continues as normal, but players will play off the river to start their landscape. Each section of the river has a feature and if players have a majority of that particular feature in the connected paddy at the end of each season, they will earn a scoring ability. When playing with The Water Festival, the Wet Season has a set intermediate scoring. Before the Dry Season they’re all flipped over and have a more randomized scoring for the end of the game.

Seasons of Rice: The Water Festival is an expansion for Seasons of Rice (which is required to play).
- Players: 2
- Ages: 8+
- Length: 20 Minutes
- Publisher: Button Shy Games
- Designer: Corry Damey
- Artist: Jerome Damey
- Page count: 3
- Components: 4cards, rules