Wayfarers and Adventurers features additional characters for Four Against Darkness. In its pages you will find: The Druid, master of natural forces; The Green Troll, immensely strong but dim-witted; The Martial Mystic, able to harness the power of chi and accessing occult knowledge; The Gnome, combining illusion and clockwork contraptions; The Wood Elf, master of the forests; Rules for Milestones and Character Traits; 25 new Spells; Two new weapons (boomerang and bolas); Two new animal companions (forest shadow and bearwolf); New equipment (leafsteel armor);
BONUS CONTENT: An alternative d6 table with 6 new minions for your dungeon adventures.
This is not a stand alone game. To use this ebook, you need a copy of Four Against Darkness and Four Against the Abyss.
- Players: 1
- Ages: 12+
- Length: 45-75 minutes
- Publisher: Ganesha Games
- Designer: Andrea Sfiligoi
- Art: Andrea Sfiligoi
- Page count: 56 pages
- Components: Book
- Additional components needed: Pencil, two six sided dice, and grid paper.