
New Games for January 17th, 2025 - Arctic Vintage City Repair in Profane REMOUS Spaceshipped Valley

george tagmire

It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:



  • Volatile Vintage

  • GRIMLORE Profane Truths - Case File #2

  • GRIMLORE Profane Truths: Core Case Files


  • Power Creep: Scarab, City Center 2090

  • Dangerous Space: Karly, Repair Mission

Volatile Vintage

In Volatile Vintage, you are 18th-century French stewards building up vineyards in competition with each other to produce the most wine barrels.

An interesting flip-and-write game using most of a deck of cards (4 are removed at random each game!) where you move up along four different tracks, all with the intent of filling as many barrels as you can. Each round two cards are dealt, and the suit dictates which track it can be used on, and the number is how many spaces you can fill - assuming you are high enough on a certain track to maximize those spots. With lots of fun elements taking place with Kings, Queens, Aces, pairs, etc. you’ll find plenty to enjoy in this fast-playing game.

GRIMLORE Profane Truths - Case File #2

Emily Harper, a skilled huntress in her early 30’s, is known for her bravery and sharp instincts. A lifelong resident of Blackwood Hollow, she is skeptical of superstitions but deeply committed to protecting her community. Emily’s practical skills and determination make her an unlikely but effective investigator.

We have a new file this week and she comes loaded for bear, starting off with a crossbow and able to upgrade to handy equipment like the Lantern, the Old Journal, and the Survival Knife. Not only that, but you’ll find her Witch’s Talisman and Lunar Binding to be useful things to pick up. However, all is not so easy when you deal with her opponents, as both the Familiar and the Werewolf will trigger bad things when they damage you. Can you dive in with Em and overcome the dangers within the Blackwood Hollow?

GRIMLORE Profane Truths: Core Case Files

GRIMLORE Profane Truths is an episodical print-and-play word-finding and dice-manipulation game with role-playing aspects. In every episode (or case file), you try to fill several scenarios with letters to form dictionary words to progress in the story and to defeat your opponents. As you progress, the character that you represent gains more knowledge and equipment to help them in their case.

A fascinating little game which promises to continue to grow over the course of the coming months. You get special hints for puzzles, which might help solve things for the secret words, but all you need to do in the game is form real words, regardless of what they are, in order to play the game. That might sound easy, but you have to manage how to juggle those letters you earn via rolls each round, taking out threats as you try to complete each case file.


During a deep-sea expedition, you are shipwrecked on an island that appears on no map. In the distance, the storm is approaching. Repair your ship, recruit your crew, and set sail before the storm strikes the island!

A fairly straightforward roll-and-write game where you’re making use of the rolls to determine location effects, use resources to build/upgrade/repair things, and then manage the loss of resources depending on the weather at the end of each day. Be the first to finish repairing all three sections of the ship to trigger the end, and you’ll get to see who was the most efficient with their actions to come out as the victor!

Power Creep: Scarab, City Center 2090

In 2090, the raiders have pressed the settlers to the max. These resource excursions are more important than ever.

Let’s start off by me reminding you to be smarter than me - I played last week’s map and remembered to mark only ONE blueprint as I went…and never even used that one. I made the experience waaay harder than it probably needed to be. This week’s layout is a fun challenge with the threats! Each location has a Leader in it, and defeated Ghost Packs will continue to damage you until you defeat the leader there. And boy, that damage can soak up REALLY fast if you don’t keep an eye on things.

Dangerous Space: Karly, Repair Mission

Karly is cutting for the big payday. The one score that sets her up for life. If it doesn’t kill her first.

Ooh, this is a sinister new mission, with some similar concepts. You’re marking identical numbers around the leaks and holes needing repaired within the ship, but there’s quite the plot twist in store! Until the leak or hole is repaired in a room, you have a negative effect that triggers in the form of either reduced movement or reduced attack power. If you thought you’d seen it all already, you are in for some fresh headaches in this one!


Game of the Week: Arctic Roll on sale for just $9!

Lead a tribe of intrepid hunters, head out across the ice to hunt for fish and to find shelter. Compete over the scarce resources, move across the ice and excavate fishing holes.

Use dice to move around a shared map, making ice holes and/or hunters based upon the die you choose for placement. Plan your moves well, because the die you use for movement has to be used in full, and has restrictions on where you can end up. Vye to gather items and catch fish before other players, and gain points for just about everything you do along the way - the name of the game is to be a little more efficient in your dice usage and bonus selections, maximizing your scoring potential in this quick little game.

Check out Game of the Week here:


Death Valley: Solo Challenges

Enhance your game sessions with 18 solo challenges.

If you enjoy spicing up an old favorite in your solo collection, you won’t want to miss this batch of solo challenges for Death Valley. In order to win, you must meet the condition on here as well as the game’s win condition. SOme might be a little easier, such as having the same number of cards in your Journey and your Scrapbook, while others might take a lot of tries - I’m looking at you, Closely Matched. Who wants to try to win by only 1 point and repeatedly fail? Well, now you can with that challenge in play!

Spaceshipped: Solo Challenges

Enhance your game sessions with 18 solo challenges.

This is a brilliant idea, of course, and I’d be quite happy to see these sorts of things appear for ALL of the soloable Button Shy titles out there. Why not make it so you MUST buy as many Asteroids as you can afford/hold when they cost 1M? Or to take damage when the enemy collects a Xeno Crystal? This one is less about scoring conditions and more about gameplay interactions, providing even more reasons you’ll lose during your next round of Spaceshipped.


Check out the new Button Shy releases here:

See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!

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