It's New Game Friday David Wiley (Cardboard Clash) is here to tell us about the new games.

Here’s what is new this week:
- Hunk O’ Junk
- Triple-O
- Dangerous Space: Jareem, Eliminate Mission
Hunk O’ Junk
You’re a duo of space scoundrels that recently “acquired” a shabby spaceship, but before you could take it for a joyride, it got impounded! Now you must convince the non-nonsense government agent that the ship is rightfully yours. Without any papers to your name, you’ll have to describe all the tales and details of the vessel, while you sketch it out. But here’s the catch: each of you’ll be drawing half of the ship without seeing the other’s work. If your drawings align perfectly when you’re done, the agent will have no choice but to release your definitely-not-stolen ship. If not…well, you’d better start thinking of another plan.
An interesting idea of a game, where you play with one other person, but neither can see what the other person is drawing nor their dice rolls. You’re trying to replicate what they are doing (mirrored) as they describe things to an agent. You’ll switch off on the rolling/sketching/explaining as the game progresses, and at the end compare to see how well you did - the number of errors plus a die roll will determine how well you did, or did not, succeed at securing your ship. It sounds like this could be a fun mix of sketching and role-playing elements to make it a unique entry on your table when you need something for just two players.
Want to flip the roles and play a solo RPG as the GM while emulating the characters? Use this tool together with your game of choice and bring your story to life with dynamic, character-driven decisions.
If you’ve ever wanted to flip the solo RPGs around and, instead of running the character or group you made through an adventure, you run and adventure and have the characters interact with that instead…this is the product for you. Like a lot of GM Emulators out there, you’re given freedom to make the easy/obvious decisions without needing to roll or ask, but this offers ways to roll against a Triple-O system: what the character would Obviously do, what the character has the Option to do instead, and what would be Odd for them to do in the situation. Plus, any GM or Solo RPG player would tell you that you can never have too many tables to roll on, and this gives you some interesting ones to use.
Dangerous Space: Jareem, Eliminate Mission
His father was 1st in his class. Some would say due to the species’ longer lifespan. Still, expectations are high for your Rendor.
A new hero has appeared, and we’ll talk more about his perks in the coming weeks. For your first week testing him out, he’ll have his hands full in the Eliminate mission. The Plotting Bot is the smallest threat, but an annoying one since it cannot be attacked if there’s an uncollected checkpoint in its room. The Clever Leech takes things a bit further, making you sacrifice all odd dice in your pool when marking a space diagonal to it. But worst of all is the boss, that Sharp Psychic. It reduces your dice by 1 when it rolls a high react roll - making it so there’s a decent chance your plans for the turn are foiled before you can even begin to really execute them.

Game of the Week: Feral State Campaign Trilogy on sale for just $18!
Innovative combat system and unique art style! Eliminate zombies, collect useful loot, buy perks in order to survive in this harsh postapocalyptic world. Fun-tastic print-and-play game testing your zombie apocalypse survival skills. All-inclusive hour-long campaign featuring all three chapters of the story.
Take down the zombie threat before it takes you down. With a variety of weapons to choose from, as well as three difficulty modes, there is a ton of replay packed into a short little package in each of the base games - not to mention everything within this whole campaign trilogy. Rolling the die gives you two options on where to target, and you’ll always know just how much health the zombie has and when it’ll get to retaliate. Each of them has health for their head, torso, and legs - and only one needs to be depleted to win. Do you have what it takes to survive?
Check out Game of the Week here:

Skulls of Sedlec: Archers, Farmers, & Troubadours Expansions
One of the best things about the Skulls of Sedlec expansions is how easily they integrate, as you simply shuffle them in and play until your stack is completed, making it a mix-in-and-forget expansion. Archers are a fun little expansion, adding both Archers and Targets on cards within the deck. They score by tracing a path from an Archer to a Target, and net you a point for each skull along the way to that target. Farmers are a simple one to mix in, scoring points for each Peasant in their same row. And in a fitting thematic approach, the Troubadours score based on the number of adjacent Troubadours in the group.
Check out the new Button Shy releases here:
See you next week with more information on our newest print and play games!