
New games for June 21 2019 - Village Throne Time

Jason Tagmire


This week we have 3 new games and 2 are free!

  • Dice Throne
  • Tempus Quest: Episode 3
  • Village Pillage

This week we bring one of my favorite games to PNP Arcade - Dice Throne from Roxley Games. It's a free 2 player sampler, but such a fun game. We're also happy to bring Roxley to the site! We also have another free game from Jelly Bean Games - Village Pillage, as well as the next episode of Tempus Quest, the diceless roll and write from Button Shy and Chris Anderson.

This weeks new games are all available here:

The game of the week is Semifinal Fantasy!

Semifinal Fantasy is a 2-8 player mashup of fantasy sports and dice-based dungeon adventure games. 

In Semifinal Fantasy you are a villager, hanging out in your local tavern, betting on which band of merry adventurers will survive each path of a dungeoncrawl. You will pick your adventurers, spend your coins to boost their stats, and then sit back and watch as the dice determine their fate in the old Bracket Dungeon. You'll also place bets on your favorite groups, trying to gain complete sets of Red, Green and Purple coins. In the end, all of your adventurers may be dead and gone, but you can still be the king of Semifinal Fantasy! 

The game consists of 10 pages that are used for each game session. Print them each time you play, or laminate them for endless replayability.

Check out Semifinal Fantasy here:

Thanks everyone! See you next week!

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